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Operational concept#

imperia has a staging architecture. The development system is mainly used by the editors to manage the content. The other imperia system, which is usually physically separated from the development system, is the target system on which the documents are published.

Furthermore, a decision must be made whether and what type of access providers, partners and pirobase imperia gmbh should have to the system in order to provide technical support. It can be very useful to provide the pirobase imperia gmbh with access to a command line (e.g. ssh under Unix or RDesktop/vnc under Windows) and to the websites of the development and target systems, especially in projects or if you have technical support questions. In this way, questions and problems can be dealt with and solved much faster.

The following sections describe the possible production environments. Test systems may have a more complex structure.

The development system is adapted to the requirements of the publication (Internet or Intranet). The production system usually uses two servers - one for the development system and the other for the target system(s).

The development system is part of imperia and allows editors to create and edit documents. Which documents editors can work on depends mainly on the assigned groups and workflows defined in the development system.

Once the work on a document is finished, it is transferred manually or automatically from the development system to one or more target systems. This process is called publishing. The publishing is performed by plug-ins that generate different formats on the target system. If you use such a plug-in, imperia copies the rendered documents stored on the development system to the file system of the corresponding target system. The target system can automatically generate site maps of the published documents, thus ensuring that they always provide an up-to-date overview of the website content. This process is performed by the SiteActives, the background daemon Hermes and the Notification PlugIn. The Notification PlugIn copies all documents binary to a target system. The background daemon Hermes processes this notification file and stores it in the imperia target system. The file also triggers the so-called System Service, which manages the abovementioned SiteActive functions.
